09/2019 Conference paper "Active Façades: Life Cycle Environmental Impacts and Savings of Photovoltaic Power Plants Integrated into the Building Envelope" EU PVSEC 2019, MARSEILLE
01/2019 Architecture article Un démonstrateur de façade active bas carbone FASSADE / FAÇADE
12/2018 Conference "Advanced Active Façades: The construction of a full-scale demonstrator for BIPV architectural integration" PLEA, HONG KONG
12/2017 Conference "Towards Advanced Active Façades. The development and assessment of a new façade concept, which combines passive and active design strategies" SDBE, LONDON
11/2017 Published Paper "Concevoir des façades actives bas carbone" TRACÉS dossier
09/2017 Poster presentation "Introducing the Advanced Active Façade: Towards Near-Zero Energy Buildings, incorporating BIPV expressive issues" EU PVSEC 2017, AMSTERDAM
07/2017 Conference "Towards Advanced Active Façades: Analysis of façade requirements and development of an innovative construction system" PLEA, EDINBURGH
2016/07/12 PLEA 16_ Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments http://www.plea2016.org/download/PLEA%202016%20Volume%202.pdf SESSION D7 LOS ANGELES
2015/03 I PFC architecture competition ASEMAS_Finalist ASEMAS
2013/11 Spanish Bienal 2012-2013 _Featured Awarded Project Spanish Government
2013/05 Concrete Master's Degree Final Project competition_Second Prize FYM-Italcementi, UNAV
2013 Hispalyt competition for a spiritual pavilion in Malmo's cemetery _Published Arquitectura Beta (digital)
2013 Master's Degree Final Project _Published Future Arquitectura (paper edition) HIC (digital) Arquitectura Beta (digital)
2012/06 Architect _Graduated with Honors Universidad de Navarra
2011 5th year Project _Published HIC (digital)
2010/06 Global Internship Scolarship_Boston UNAV